Girly Things

Girly Things

Παρασκευή 17 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Fandom Funny

Are you a teenager? I think so
Are you a fangirl?Probably
Are you gonna marry a 20 year old actor/singer from another country? Obviously
Well If you are a fangirl/fanboy you deerve those pics XD

Ok I hope you like them.
Ok that is soooooooo me!
Especially the last one XD
Love ya all


"Back in my head we were kissing..." that was me singing I would...iouiou....and that was the police outside of my house XD
Ok today I was on We Heart It(like always xd) and I find some smartass funny pics. They were hillarious!Just talke a look:

Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Black Outfits

Ok...obviously not in a good mood.
You can get that from the tittle. Black outfits. Yes I;m in my "black days" the days when I want to kill every human being in the world or just wish I wouldn't be alive. Well both of them are too bloody for me so I decide to influence you with my sadness(mwhahahaha-evil laygh XD )
Well here my black outfits are
Hope you like them =)
Not so black but still...
Loved it !
Yes, I'm not in my good moods so GOTH STYLE
And that's the laaaast one =)Anyway I hope you liked them =)
Love ya all

Teen Depression (2)

It's morning. You wake up. You go to school. You put a smile and you meet your friends. You smile. You laugh. You are happy. You go back to home. Then everything seems to you so...sad. You were acting. And are sad. You feel left,alone. You want to go to your bed cry and listen to sad music all day. *
(*If you or anybody you know has some emotional tentions tell that to someone older)
You just want everything like it was when everything was to easy,too simple. You feel like you are the only one that feels like that. 
But NO! You are not alone! 
A lot of teenagers are feeling the same way.
You are not alone . I know, that you don't want them. All those demons on your head are eating you from your inside. You don't want them. You want them to go away,like they came. You want to feel free again. It's hard, but not imposible . You need to talk to someone...
But you are afraid...afraid of calling you "dramatic" or "attention seeker". But you have to. You should talk to someone. You have to express your feelings, your thoughts.
You can do a lot of things:
•Talk to's the most hard,but best's for your best
•Draw..... draw what you feel. Draw what you want. Draw what you can't tell. And then watch what you did. Is that really you?
•Write.....You are a shy,not attention,character. Keep a diary,a small book, or a blog and write your feelings. On web there are other people who have get through this whole situation and they ae happy now. They can help you . But they can hurt you too. They can hurt you more. so I don't think that it's a good idea internet...
People reading that,might think that all those people with depressions are just some weak creeps. But NO! They are NOT! They don't want atttention. They just want to be confident with themsves because it is NOT them who they try to kill themseves. There are other people behind them that cause this. It's not them . They are the victims and you should respect them. You should help them . 
The loneliest people are the kindest.
The saddest people smile the brightest.
The most damaged people are the wisest.
All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.
All because of that. They don't want you to suffer the way they do. They are brave . Because you call it Depression and Suicide . I call it WAR! And you have to win!
*If you think that you might have something like that you should talk to someone. If you want you can talk to me and my friend on twitter : @KDirectionerKat @AmericaAlice14
Love you all <3
Katie and Alice :)

Δευτέρα 13 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Teen Depression (1)

Those days....actually those weeks...I just feel ...confused. I don't know why...I think, I think, I think.... I don't know what... I am just brOKen... I am empty. I feel all the time alone. Like, I wanna talk to someone so I will forget my sad life, but when I go to school I just...close my mouth... I sart avoiding everyone and anything... I don't find a single thing funny anymore. I wanna cry all day and hug my pillow. I wanna sleep at nights and never woke up again. Do you know how that called? Depression...
DEPRESSION...TEEN DEPRESSION. People just say. She's overreacting. She is a teen she can't be depressed. Well obviously,we can . The last two weeks... I just feel like crying..the whole day... I am just a depressed teen. And I know the why. I feel lonely. I feel like noone cares. I feel like I need a boyfriend because all of my new friends are talking about their boyfriends. But I know why...why I feel like that. I miss my friends. My school. I miss every popular bitch and every jerk.... I miss everybody. I hadn't realised the fact that I have change school,until two weeks ago when I meet my old classmates again... than...from that day...
I just felt like dying!! Do you know how I realised that?How I realised that I was not just a normal not-having-fun teengaer? Well here are the facts:
•Sadness....If you are always on a bad mood . You are more sad than even. You just can't be happy.
•Complains about pains...mostly headaches and stomachaches
•Fast lost or gain fat
•Sleep...If you sleep more hours or less hours than you did and can't sleep at night or can't wake up at morning
•Rebellious behavior... mostly to parents or just family
•Sudden drop in grades
•Difficulty making decissions
•Difficulty concertaitring
•Memory loss
Well all these were the basics.And aparrently...I'm having all these syptoms. And thinking about death has no fun. I just...don't know what to do. If everybody friend or family member has all these just give them help . Ask them what's happening . But tell them "Everything is gonna be OK" you are not them . You don't know what they are living. You don't know what I am living. What you should do is just trying to make them laugh the whole time. If they are at a start level like me just puss them to admit you what they are living. They feel like they are worthless and don't deserve nothing. If they are in a start level like me just try to make them laugh all the time. It's the only occur. If things are getting worse you have to talk to their parents . They need to go to a specialist/doctor. For their best...
They need to talk to I can't tell that. I just can't. I feel like my parents wont understand me. I think that if I tell them they are gonna tell me that I alien...I just can't. I just right things. To a teen blog. That noone is gonna suspect that this is me...Noone cause first of all...I don't have true friends... if I had....just... look at my eyes.Is that happiness?I might say that I am ok but behind every ok the is a BRokEN...If you are a true friend just help your friends. Help them .Don't tell them Its gonna be ok.Because it's not. It's not happening to you . Don;t trust them if  they smile. Because girls with the prettiest smile are having the saddest story to tell!
Just hug your friend...and tell them that you are gonna be with them untill the end.That you are gonna help them.And then let them cry.Cauz that is true friend.
If I had true friends.I would want them to do that. Just that!
I hope I'm gonna be fine...I hope
~A sad,depressed,hopeless girl :'(

5 Seconds Of Summer - Good Girls

Hi again <3

Ok except from One Direction's Steal my girl, Good girls 5SOS' was published yesterday...and I am really happy. It is just amazing! I just loved the video clip!

If you want give a look!

If you belong to the 5SOS fam, I get you XD

Love ya all


One Direction - Steal My Girl


What's up? Well One Direction's new song Steal my girl is leaked.

Well it was leaked one day before the day it would be puplishhed but still XD I was actually the 462 person that heard the song in the whole world! Isn't that amazing?

Anyway that's the official song so if you want give a look. Until the next post...kisses <3
